Thursday, March 13, 2008

Weight of the Journey

I'm feeling the weight of life right now - my desire to be in Ethiopia, my desire make wrong things right in the inner city neighborhood where I work, and the heaviness of a few relationships in my life. God is teaching me so many things, one of which being obedience comes with a price tag. They are things I'd rather not be walking through, but I know it's part of the refining fire. Remembering that His ways are better than my ways is so much easier said than done. I'm realizing that there is a huge difference between knowing truth and believing truth, and there are so many times where I feel like I know it more so than I believe it. As I have conversations with close friends about some of these things, I'm slightly comforted by the realization that I'm not alone in all of this. We are mere humans - broken humans - and everyone goes through bumps on their journeys. We weren't promised an easy road, just a Guide to help us find the way. I'm thankful, but can't help but believe I'll be even more thankful on the back end of this particular stretch.


Anonymous said...

i can't wait for you to be in were made for were made for so many things. i am SO blessed to be a part of your life! i am so excited to see what God does for you before you go to prepare you! i love you and hope to see you before you go and thanks for the love and consistent encouragement i receive from are my favorite!!! talk to you soon!!!

melissa curtice said...

well said. it can be so hard to figure things out. i have just been working through the fact that God IS good. perhaps just not how i think of good.

love ya!