Everyone has an on-going list of people they want to meet, right? I have yet to meet someone who would tell me differently. For me, some of the people on that list would be Steve Carrell, John Krasinski (both from The Office!), Rob Bell, Matt Damon (actually, I'd rather meet Jason Bourne, but Damon will do), Derek Webb, Jennifer Garner, Julia Roberts, etc. Well...last night, I was able to check off one name from my list. To most people, meeting Derek Webb would be no big deal. but ya'll - seriously - it was huge for me. I first saw/heard Derek play/speak in Memphis somewhere around 7 years ago, and he really challenged me to rethink my ideas and core beliefs of what the Church was, and who she was supposed to be. He has refused to back down from believing that the Church could be what Christ intended her to be - and is unapologetic for it. Being from a particular denominational background, I was raised in tradition - and while tradition itself isn't bad, it can be totally detrimental to who we are intended to be, if we focus too much on it. So, last night, getting the chance to talk with Derek about this very thing was such a HUGE moment for me. Being able to shake a man's hand who radically changed my perception and thinking was such a defining moment. Incredible.
You can hear Derek's music (and even download his cd for free) HERE.
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