Thursday, April 14, 2011

Twenty Eighth Time Is a Charm?

I used to be so faithful at blogging....then I stopped. Then I realized I wanted to start writing again....then I stopped. You can see where I'm going with this, right? Well, I'm starting back up again. We'll see how long it lasts - I think my last run at the blogging world lasted post. I've started following a random blog written by a flight attendant around my age, and it has inspired me to give blogging another shot. A glorious life in the skies, I have not. Awesome students who never leave me bored by their wittiness and antics, I have in abounds. Thirty eight witty and antic filled students, to be exact. With only a month and a half left of school though, my attempts may be short lived yet again.

Here's to trying!

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