Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Stubborn Prayers

I'm realizing that I'm not so great at updating. Not that there is a whole lot happening right now, but I most definitely have thoughts. The current one is "How am I going to raise $3,300 through the small amount of people I know?!" Tonight has been a fun night of addressing envelopes, writing out prayer cards to go with each letter, and looking for a new place to live (Have I mentioned that I will be moving 4 days prior to leaving the country for 4 weeks?!). I've had amazing friends who have asked me over the past few days how things are going, and my reply has always been "it's going." I'm in the tedious part of sending out letters to anyone and everyone, and praying that God asks someone (or several someones!) to give generously - above and beyond their means (I'm sure as a way of Him teaching them to trust Him!). It's not that I'm doubting God's provisions, rather, I'm doubting that my letter will be convincing enough. Which is quite silly, because I'm not the one doing the convincing! Over the past year, my pastor has talked about praying "stubborn prayers" - and I can honestly say that I never truly understood what he meant - until now. It's funny how you can hear something over and over again, but not really get it until it deems itself necessary for your own life. Such is true in our faith journeys - until we have a great need for ______(fill in your own blank here!), we don't really seek out the true understanding of it. Or perhaps we do, its meaning just can't fully be revealed until our need is so great that we will really get it.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Send me a letter