I said goodbye today to my first college-graduate-and-employed-full-time apartment. I moved out two weeks ago, but have had the opportunity since to drive back over, climb up the stairs, and sit in the middle of the empty room, reminiscing about the memories that were made there. This was the apartment I moved into when I came to Kansas City, and have known no other place as home in the past 4 1/2 years. Thousands of memories were made in its rooms, and at various neighbors homes around it. When I moved, I felt as though I were leaving these memories - and a piece of myself - behind. The past few weeks have been emotionally hard, not realizing how much I loved every part of that apartment, the neighborhood, and the many neighbors I've gotten to know. I am realizing that my memories aren't tied to the building itself, but they will go with me regardless of where I'm at in life. I won't stay in Kansas City forever, but what joy will come from thinking back to this home. I spent an afternoon there last week, taking photos of every inch of the place - so that one day, I can pull them out, show my kids, and begin to tell them of the stories that took place at 3525 Jefferson Street.
A few of my most favorite memories....
-listening to my friend Dan, who lived downstairs, play his guitar and sing his heart out to Jesus. Often times, I would lay in the dining room, with my ear pressed against the floor, just to hear him. Some of my most powerful times of worship came out of these experiences.
-sitting on the porch next door night after night with three neighbors I've grown to love.
-listening to Annie do vocal warm ups, and running over to ask if I can borrow a cup of milk!
-talking late into the night with friends
-setting up my tent in the dining room, just for the heck of it.
Love your blogsite, former apartment bldg, FH kids, etc. See you at tomorrow night's party.
You are loved, my friend.
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